Each of these weaving structures is hyper-linked to an illustrated description -- a PDF which will open in a new window. This PDF includes an explanation of the structure and illustrations of sample fabrics (and drawdowns where applicable). Click the title that interests you - a PDF will be downloaded to your browser.
OR- Buy the set at Marcy's online bookstore. The up-to-date collection of 76 structures plus a 13 page introduction contains 89 pages, 119 photographs, 88 drawdowns and 22 tables, all in a 3-ring binder. Only $40 plus shipping at https://www.marcy-bookstore.com.
- 2/2 Twill - see Straight Twill
- 3/1 Twill - see Unbalanced Twills
A to C
- Advancing Twill
- Atwater-Bronson Lace - see Lace Bronson
- Balanced Twill - see Straight Twill
- Barley Corn
- Basket, Canvas and Huck Lace comparison
- Basket Weave
- Bedford Cord
- Birds Eye Twill
- Blocks: Supplementary Weft Comparison
- Boundweave - see On Opposite Treadling Method
- Braided Twills - see Plaited Twill
- Brocade
- Broken Twill
- Bronson Lace - see Lace Bronson
- Brooks Bouquet
- Bumberet
- Cannelé
- Canvas Weave I: Traditional
- Canvas Weave II: Plain Weave Variation
- Clasped Wefts
- Color and Weave
- Crackle Classic
- Crackle Traditional
- Crepe Weave
- Crepe Twill
D to J
- Danish Medallion
- Deflected Double Weave on 4 Shafts
- Dornick Twill
- Double Weave
- Double Weave Overshot (also called Overshot - Patterned Double Weave )
- Ducape
- Echo Treadling Method
- Extended Twills
- False Satins
- Fancy Twill - see Irregular Twills
- Flecks - see In-lay
- Four-shaft Straight Twill - see Straight Twill
- Ghiordes - see Rya
- Goose-Eye Twill
- Half-flossa - see Rya
- Honeycomb
- Huck
- Huck Lace
- In-lay
- Interlocking Twill
- Irregular Twills
K to O
- Krokbragd
- Lace Bronson
- Lacey Stripes
- Lacey Weaves Comparison
- Laid-in - see In-lay
- Leno
- Log Cabin
- Loops
- M's and O's
- Monk’s Belt
- M's and W's Twill
- Myggtjäll
- On Opposite Treadling Method
- Overshot
- Overshot - Patterned Double Weave (revised 6/2023)
(also called Double Weave Overshot) - Overshot - Rose Fashion
P to R
- Petit Point Treadling Method
- Piqué
- Plain Weave
- Plaited Twill
- Pointed Twill
- Popcorn Treadling Method
- Regular Twill - see Irregular Twills
- Reverse Pointed Twill
- Ribbed Twill
- Ribs
- Rose Fashion - see Overshot
- Rosepath Twill
- Rya
- Satin - see False Satins
- Shadow Weave
- Shadow Twill
- Shadowy Treadling Method
- Spanish Eyelets
- Spot Bronson
- Star Fashion - see Overshot - star fashion
- Steep Twill
- Straight Twill
- Stitched Double Cloth
- "Summer and Winter" -- 4 Blocks on 4 Shafts
- Summer and Winter Paired O's
- Summer and Winter Paired X's
- Summer and Winter Singles
- Sunburst Treadling Method
- Supplementary Warp Weaves
- Swedish Lace
- Swivel
T to W
- Tabby
- Taqueté (revised 6/2021)
- Thickset
- Three Shaft Straight Twill
- Tied Overshot
- Treadling Methods
- Turned Monk's Belt
- Twill Blocks on Four Shafts
- Twills
- Twining
- Unbalanced Twills
- Undulating Twill
- Velveret
- Waffle Weave
Happy Weaving!
Please email comments and questions to marcypetrini@gmail.com.